Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Oro is Taking Over

Hey, hey, remember that Orochimaru spam post I promised? (Well I didn't exactly promise [AND OMG WHERE IS THAT RANDOM TALKING COMING FROM?! Okay I'm pretty sure it's an ad but I can't find it :L] but I mentioned it) Well guess what, I'm following through with my words (for once). 
So here we go! Get ready for some sexiness! (or some ugliness depending on your tastes :L )

< By Jesterry
A good artist, has quite a few amazing Orochimaru art.

By じろ

By Eldanis

And that's the end of the art spam.
Oh, I'm also reading a new OroxSaku fic called Dirty Little Secret, it's not extremely well written but it's okay I guess

So basically I'm planning to post everyday here, even if I havn't watched any new anime or read any new manga or whatever I'll probably do random posts like this a lot. (No, they won't all contain Orochimaru heheh)

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